Children of Paradise
One day our teacher informed us that some other school teachers will come and conduct education related program in Television. All of us were so excited. After some time, the teachers came and screened a film for us. We all watched the film very quietly. The film is much better than we imagined.
The film is about two school-going children: brother and sister. The girl does the domestic works while the boy assists his father. Both share and use only one pair of shoe. It worries me when I think how they live in such a pathetic situation and struggle to study. Despite trying all possible means, they could not able to buy another pair of shoes. In Tamil cinema, the hero always wins but this film describes only failures.
It is better to see this kind of films than watching Tamil cinema. This kind of films is best to watch for students. They could bring changes among us. The film teaches us the thirst to study despite whatsoever problems we face, how much times we fail. We have to study well and progress in life.
– Kosaladevi
(Batticaloa / Sri Lanka)
Those children’s family is struggles a lot to meet the basic needs of everyday life. The girl goes to the school after assisting in the domestic works of the family. Likewise, the boy goes with his father to the neighbouring town for earning during holidays. Both of them, brother and sister, have only one pair of shoes and they use it alternatively while going to school. Because of this, the boy reaches late in school every day. In such a situation, the boy comes to know about a running race which offers a pair of shoes as one of the prizes. He participates in the race in spite of all the hurdles and wins the first prize. He is offered a gold medal and a certificate but not the pair of shoes he intended to receive. Adding to his worries, the only pair of shoes they had also got torn because of his participation in the race.
It is very painful to imagine such a situation. When I was watching the film, something disturbed me. The boy’s expectation got failed. If they could have had that pair of shoes, they could have continued their education at the school. Their thirst for studying in spite of all the problems is felt while watching the film. I too realise the importance of studying whatsoever problems I face.
I am clear that whatever conditions I am trapped with, I will not lose my self confidence in those critical situations. And I am also clear that I will also achieve my ambitions facing all kinds of challenges.
– C. Yoga
(Batticaloa / Sri Lanka)